Automate extraction, filtration and clean up of compounds from solid and semisolid samples in minutes using the automated Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ ASE™ 350 Accelerated Solvent Extractor. This system accommodates sample sizes of 1-100g, allows unattended extraction of up to 24 samples and uses 50 to 90% less solvent compared to other methods. The chemically inert pathway supports acid and alkaline sample matrices and solvents. Flexible, easy-to-operate and cost-effective, the Dionex ASE 350 is ideally suited for high-throughput laboratories and for a wide variety of applications.

Zirbus technology was the first company worldwide which developed and produced a freeze dryer with a nitrogen cooling. To this day we delivered our high technical freeze dryer worldwide to our customers in different branches. Zirbus became one of leader in developing components for special freeze drying tasks acoording to the customer’s needs.